Supporting you is important to us.
Have questions? We recommend that you start at our FAQ page to get your questions answered.
We’re available Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm PT. We are closed all major holidays, and also closed from December 23 to January 2 each year. We do our best to respond as soon as possible, usually within 2 business days.
**The best way to reach us is by email... we respond fastest to emails. If you call us, please also send us an email.
** *If you are having difficulty with a specific course or certificate, please include the name of the course in your email. *
Before contacting us: We are big on nurturing an environment of empowerment. Please remember to be kind, patient, and respectful, just as we promise to prioritize these qualities with you. If you would like a response to your email, please include 1) specific feedback and 2) specific ways in which we might address your concern. We welcome and will answer constructive and respectful comments and queries.
Email (the best way to reach us):
Voicemail (see note below): +1 (888) 906-3894
Delayed reponse time to voicemails: Please also send us an email if you reach out to us by phone. We are in and out of sessions and meetings (we are all practicing clinicians and students), and it's best to email us; we check voicemails a few times per week, and respond more quickly to emails. If we need to coordinate a time to speak directly with you over the phone, we can schedule this with you via email.
Land Acknolwedgement: Clearly Clinical is located on the lands of the following indigenous communities: Atfalati, Cayuse, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Kalapuya, Umatilla, and Walla Walla