Course and Podcast FAQs
How do I get CE credit hours through Clearly Clinical?
In order to receive CE credit hours, you either need to be enrolled in one of our free courses or purchase an annual membership. Scroll through the course list to find courses that interest you; new courses are added regularly. Listen to the audio associated with your preferred CE course (you can either download it on our website, or download it via other means like ApplePodcasts, Spotify, or Google), and then take the associated course test. Once you receive a passing grade (80%; you are able to re-test) on the course test, just complete the requested course evaluation, and your CE certificate will be automatically added to your account's 'Certificates' section of your account (to access this section of your account, log in, click on your name in the top right, click on My Account, and then click on Certificates). Easy peasy!
Free courses do not require the purchase of an annual membership. You just need to enroll in the free couse and complete the required steps listed above to receive credit.
How many CE credits is each course worth?
Each course is eligible for one CE credit hour. Each of our podcast episodes is between 60 and 65 minutes long, and each one is eligible for one CE credit hour (with the exception of the 'Word From Our Founder' episodes and the free meditation episodes). You must have a CE membership in order to be eligible to receive CE credit for any of our 'not free' CE courses. We've designed our courses as 1 CE credit hour each (ie- 1 hour long) in order to be mindful of the human attention span and maximize learning for Continuing Education earners.
All CE approval bodies certify courses per hour, and they're required to have equivalent length in order to qualify for each CE credit hour. In other words, a CE course that is worth 1 CE credit hour must be 1 hour long and have 6 to 10 post test questions per hour per CE approval body requirements, and a CE course that is worth 10 CE credit hours must be ten hours long and have 60 to 100 post test questions. Clearly Clinical courses can be mixed-and-matched to suit your CE course needs.
Where can I listen to your podcast episodes?
Our channel can be found on all free podcast platforms, like Youtube, Apple, Spotify, or iHeartRadio (and many others). You can also listen to our episodes via the 'podcast' page on our website, or when logged into your Clearly Clinical account in the course player. Please note: In order to receive CE credit, you must log in and complete/pass the associated evaluation and test after listening to the audio; in order to do this for all of our podcast episodes, you must have an active paid 1-year membership (courses/episodes that list 'free CE course' in the title are eligible for CE credit for free). Public podcast platforms do not interface with our website so you must indicate within the course player that you listened to the audio elsewhere by selecting the 'Complete and Continue' button within that section of the course.
Are your CE courses considered 'live'?
Our courses are all pre-recorded, non-interactive audio podcast CE courses, and do not satisfy requirements for 'live' or 'interactive' continuing education events.
Do your courses include handouts or PowerPoints?
If handouts have been made available by the presenter/podcast guest, they'll be provided in the Course Player for that particular course. In general, our courses are audio-only and do not offer written materials, and copies of PowerPoints are not available. We also have computer-generated podcast transcripts available (please see FAQ below relating to transcripts).
Do you provide course references?
Absolutely. References lists are available upon request to individuals who are eligible to receive CE credit for listening to our audio courses. References will be provided for our free CE courses upon request, and are made available to paying Clearly Clinical members for any courses that are not eligible for free CE credit (ie- we do not provide references for audio podcasts to individuals who are not eligible to receive CE credit for listening to a particular podcast episode). Please email to request a copy of a course's references.
Are all courses elgible for CE credit with the APA, NBCC, ASWB, NAADAC, CCAPP, NYS, and CAMFT?
Most of our courses are elgible for CE credit with all of our CE approval bodies. Courses that do not meet the requirements for continuing education credit with a particular CE approval organization (like the NBCC, for example) will be clearly indicated in the My Courses course listing.
Will I receive credit just for listening to your podcast?
In order to receive the CE certificate after listening to one of our podcast episodes, you'll need to indicate that you've completed all course elements, including the course audio, any attachments, test, and the requested evaluation. This can be done from your Clearly Clinical account. Once you've signed in, please visit the 'My Courses' section, and select the appropriate course. You'll then need to 'click through' each section of the course to indicate that you've completed the requirements, including the audio portion (you don't need to listen to the audio via our course player... just make sure to mark it as 'Complete'). Once you've 'clicked through' everything, your certificate will automatically populate in the Certificates section of your account (to access this section of your account, log in, click on your name in the top right, click on My Account, and then click on Certificates).
Do all of your podcast episodes offer CE credit?
The majority of our podcast episodes are eligible for CE credit, with the exception of our free meditations and short 'word from our founder' episodes. Sometimes, we offer CE credit for particular courses for free... if a podcast's title does not state that it's free on the course landing page, then you must have a paid membership to be eligible to receive CE credit for a particular CE podcast, once you've completed the requirements outlined above.
How do I know if my state licensure/certifying body will accept these CE hours?
To find out if your state's licensure/certifying body will accept Clearly Clinical's courses for Continuing Education credit hours, visit Check My State Requirements. The information provided on our site is offered as a general guide, and Clearly Clinical does not guarantee or assure the current accuracy of the information provided. Board requirements frequently change; as such, it’s recommended that you contact your board to ensure that your continuing education activities satisfy your specific license/certificate requirements; we would hate to mislead anyone, and that's why we recommend asking your board if you have any concerns about our courses being accepted by them. If your state’s license or certificate type is not listed on our website, it’s recommended that you contact your board directly to clarify if they accept Clearly Clinical’s CE approvals for CE credit. Please note that some state board require topic-specific coursework; though your state board may accept our CE approvals, we may not have the appropriate coursework to satisfy all of your board's specific topic requirements.
I listened to one of your free podcast CE courses on your podcast. Now how do I get the CE credit?
Please enroll for the course on our Free Courses page. From there, you will need to complete the course requirements in order to receive a CE certificate... please see the FAQ questions above for clarification on how to do this.
Who develops Clearly Clinical's Courses?
All of Clearly Clinical's courses are co-developed Elizabeth Irias, MS, a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Stephen Winston, PhD, a licensed Clinical Psychologist, and Dolores Gonzalez, a licensed Clinical Social Worker.
What score is needed to pass the course tests?
A score of 80% or above will earn a passing grade.
Can I retake a course test if I don't pass it?
Users can re-test up to three times. After three attempts, users are advised to re-listen to the audio course in its entirety and then subsequently re-test. Psychologists who are seeking CE credit may not be awarded credit if they attempt to pass the post-test more than three times.
What do I need to do to get a completion certificate?
In order to receive a certificate of completion, you must indicate that you've listened to the audio portion, earn a passing grade on the course test, and complete the requested course evaluation. If you listened to the audio via a podcast, you must also 'click through' the audio portion of the course (click the button in the little middle of the course player audio section that says COMPLETE & CONTINUE) to progress to the test and evaluation.
What is the course test format?
The course tests are each comprised of an assortment of true/false and multiple choice questions. Each test has no more than 10 questions per CE credit hour.
How long does it take to receive a CE certificate, and does access to my certificates ever expire?
Once you've completed a course, your certificate will populate in your account's Certificates section as soon as you've completed all of the course requirements; it will also be emailed to you. To access the Certificates section of your account, log in, click on My Account on the left margin, and then click on Certificates).
Clearly Clinical maintains copies of these certificates for 10 (ten) years from the completion date of the course; these certificates can be easily downloaded from within a user's Clearly Clinical account, even if the user's paid membership is no longer active. Please email if you need any help accessing certificates.
Can I receive partial CE credit if I only listened to part of a course?
Partial credit will not be provided. Individuals must complete the required coursework and complete the associated post-test with a passing grade.
If I've already taken a course, can I retake it in the future and earn a new certificate?
You are able to complete each course one time and receive the associated CE certificate. You are welcome to re-take a specific course (ie- listen to the audio, take the test, and take the evaluation), however, a new, subsequent certificate will not be issued.
Do you work with CE Broker?
Clearly Clinical does not have a relationship with CE Broker.
Account & Annual Membership FAQs
How do I create an account?
You can create an account with Clearly Clinical by signing up here. Creating an account will not enroll you in any courses; you must enroll in a course to have access to it. If you are have an active Clearly Clinical membership, you are automatically enrolled in all new courses.
Is there a fee for creating an account?
Creating an account with Clearly Clinical is totally free! (And, no, no credit card information is required to open a free account... just a valid email address.) If you're wanting to take a free course, make sure to enroll in it individually (in order words, creating a free account won't automatically enroll you in our free courses.)
Do I need to create an account to listen to Clearly Clinical's audio courses?
Nope, you only need to create an account if you're desiring CE credit hours. All of Clearly Clinical's podcasts are available for free in multiple formats; visit the course pages to find links about downloading the audio podcasts for free.
I've purchased a 1-year membership - how do I access the courses?
Once you've created your account and purchased a 1-year membership, use the following instructions to access all of your courses:
Log in to your account and click on the word 'MY COURSES' at the top of the page. In that section, you will see all of the courses as part of your 1-year membership. Click on the course you'd like to access, and then take the associated post-test and evaluation after you've listened to the associated podcast/audio. Once you pass the test and complete the requested evaluation, the certificate will appear in the 'Certificates' section of your account (click on your name in the upper right corner once you're logged into Clearly Clinical, and the menu on the left will show 'Profile', 'Password', 'Certificates', etc.).
Don't hesitate to contact us if you're having any difficulty accessing your courses.
What is included in a 1-year membership?
Access to all of our courses is included with your 1-year membership. As we add new courses, they'll be automatically added to the MY COURSES section of your account. You may earn as many CE credit hours as you'd like for one year from the date of purchase.
Does the 1-year membership automatically renew at the end of a year?
Our paid membership is one year long, and does not automatically renew at the end of one year. Your credit card will not automatically be charged for subsequent years. If you wish to continue your membership after your one year membership ends, you will need to sign up and pay for another year.
Can I purchase one CE course at a time, or do I need to buy an 1-year membership to receive CE credit hours?
Clearly Clinical's CE Credit Hours are all available via a membership only, and are not available for purchase by individual course. Make sure to check out our free courses, too... all you need to do to earn those free CE hours is enroll in a free course, listen to the audio, earn a passing grade on the associated exam and take the requested evaluation.
Can I purchase a gift membership?
Yes! To purchase a gift membership, please email us at and we'll get that taken care of for you.
Do you have a bulk discount if I want to purchase a number of gift memberships?
Yes, we do! For groups of five or more, we offer a bulk discount of 20% off our standard published rate (so each 1-year membership is $76 presently), for groups of ten to 19 people, we offer a discount of 25% (so each membership is $72.25 presently), and for group purchases of 20 or more memberships, we offer a bulk discount of 30% off, bringing each membership to $66.50. We offer excellent additional tiered discount plans for larger groups (50 or more). Please note: Gift 1-year CE memberships are not active until the redemption code is redeemed. Once a gift membership redemption code has been redeemed, it cannot be canceled or transferred to another person or account. We cannot release information about an account holder's Clearly Clinical account to another party other than to verify whether a code has been redeemed. Gift memberships are not eligible for refund.
Please email us at to get bulk gift memberships set up! We have a few options to make the gift-giving and administration process really easy for you as the purchaser.
Policy FAQs
What is Clearly Clinical's grievance/complaint procedure?
In the event of a grievance or complaint, participants are asked to put concerns in writing and submit via email to All grievances/complaintes reported to the CE Program Administrator will be responded to within 6 business days. Please note that grievances or complaints must be submitted in writing to; written course reviews and/or feedback left on course evaluation forms are not considered grievances or complaints.
Clearly Clinical complies with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content, and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards is the responsibility of Clearly Clinical’s Administrator, Ms. Elizabeth Irias, in consultation with Dr. Stephen Winston, our Psychologist Consultant, and Ms. Dolores Gonzalez, our Social Work Consultant. Our Social Work consultant will be involved in the review and resolutions of grievances for all social workers; our Psychologist Consultant will be involved in the review and resolution of grievances for all psychologists.
If you would like a copy of our full grievance policy, please contact us at
What is your refund policy?
In general, refunds will not be provided. That said, we want to address your concerns, and hope that you'll contact us if something is on your mind. Registrants who do not complete their course(s) will not receive a refund. Registrants who purchased the course but did not achieve a passing grade will not receive a refund. A $20 charge will be applied to credit cards denials.
What if I have special needs or need an accommodation?
If you have special needs or need an accommodation, please email us at and we will do our best to assist you.
Do you offer transcripts of the podcasts and/or closed captioning?
Yes, transcripts are available upon request to individuals who are eligible to receive CE credit for listening to our audio courses. Transcripts will be provided for our free CE courses, and are made available to paying Clearly Clinical members for any courses that are not eligible for free CE credit (ie- we do not provide transcripts for audio podcasts to individuals who are not eligible to receive CE credit for listening to a particular podcast episode). Courses released after 1/1/24 have the transcript directly included as an attachment in the Course Player's Audio section. Please email us at request a copy of a specific episode's transcript; allow up to three business days for receipt. Please note that our transcripts are computer-generated.
To access closed captioning: Please check out our YouTube channel and turn on the YouTube closed captioning feature to listen to all of our episodes and also be able to see closed captioning.
Can I delete my account? Or can you delete it for me?
Once a CE completion certificate has been issued in a user account, we're unable to delete an account. (Per our CE approval organizations, we must retain all copies of CE certificates, which are housed in user accounts.) That said, we can removed your email from our mailing list so that you'll no longer receive messages from us. Please contact us at to request removal from our mailing list.
What's your policy on unprofessional behavior?
We are big on nurturing an environment of empowerment. Please remember to be kind, patient, and respectful, just as we promise to prioritize these qualities with you. We welcome constructive, inclusive, and respectful comments and queries. Should a user engage in unprofessional, derogatory behavior, the user may be removed from our courses.
'CEU' vs. 'CE Credit Hour' FAQs
What is a 'CEU', and what is a 'CE Credit Hour'?
Psychologists, Social Workers, Therapists, and Counselors: In the field of mental health, Continuing Education (CE) is essential for maintaining licensure, but the terminology can be confusing. Although many professionals refer to these courses as "Continuing Education Units" (CEUs), this term is actually a misnomer. What mental health professionals really need are Continuing Education Credit Hours (CECHs) or Continuing Education Courses (CECs). Despite the widespread use of the term "CEU," licenses in the United States require completion of CE Credit Hours, not CEUs. At Clearly Clinical, we offer CE courses that meet the requirements for license renewal (per our CE approval bodies like the APA, NBCC, ASWB, etc., we must refer to them as CE Credit Hours or CE Courses, not CEUs). To check whether our CE courses satisfy your state's specific CE requirements, please visit Check My State's Requirements.
Addiction Professionals: Some Addiction Counseling organizations utilize the term 'CEU', and this is intended to mean either one hour of coursework per 'CEU' or ten hours of coursework per 'CEU'; please clarify directly with your licensing/certifying body to clarify your actual coursework requirement due to these differences in wording. To check whether our CE courses satisfy your state's requirements, please visit Check My State's Requirements.
Miscellaneous FAQs
How does Clearly Clinical select its presenters?
All of Clearly Clinical's presenters are thoroughly vetted, and are experienced and educated in their areas of expertise. While designing this CE platform, we went looking for presenters and interviewees who are passionate, experienced, ethical, and interesting... we want our courses to really hit home with our listeners.
Why did you start Clearly Clinical?
As Clearly Clinical founder Elizabeth (‘Beth’) Irias, a California Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, walked out of yet another amazing and engaging in-person continuing education presentation, she thought to herself, “If only there were a way to make this incredible content reach the clinicians who aren’t able to be here.” She realized that she had missed loads of amazing CE courses over the years due to time limitations or financial constraints, and sought to solve the problem. Her idea: have great, low-cost CEs that could be offered online, in a modern, relevant format like podcasts.
What are some of Clearly Clinical's values?
Clearly Clinical’s goal is to give you courses that answer your questions, build your skills, and help you satisfy your licensure and certification requirements, all via an affordable and easy-to-use platform. Thanks to the collaboration of passionate, experienced, and forward-thinking colleagues, Clearly Clinical came into existence. We’re serious about making online CEs better, and we’re also serious about helping the community at-large… we welcome your feedback, and also invest in the community by providing a portion of proceeds to The Trevor Project. We have previously donated to Black & Brown Founders, the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, Black Women’s Blueprint, Feeding America, Everytown for Gun Safety, and The Center for Reproductive Rights. We also believe that everyone should have a spot at the table… we feature presenters/interviewees from historically-marginalized communities.
I would love to present on a Clearly Clinical podcast. How can I do that?
We are always looking for expert contributors to provide education on intereting and relevant topics. Please visit this page to learn more.
I want to become a CE provider. Can you help me with that?
We don't provide consulting services about the CE approval process and CE course facilitation. That said, we've found that the state and national CE associations are hands-on and supportive when seeking information about the approval process via their websites, email addresses, and phone numbers. Best wishes in your CE journey!
My company wants to provide CE alongside a presentation we're providing. Can Clearly Clinical provide the CE credit for us?
Cleary Clinical does not provide sponsorship services for other individuals or companies who wish to be able to provide Continuing Education credits for their own presentations. We only offer CE for our own programs, published and managed by Clearly Clinical.
I listened to the podcast and did the test & evaluation but the course shows it's only 66% completed so I haven't received my certificate. How do I remedy this?
Your certificate is not available until the streaming audio portion has been completed (ie- 'clicked through'; it's fine that the podcast was listened to via different platform instead of using the streaming version online... the system just needs you to click on the grey COMPLETE & CONTINUE button in the course audio section of the course to complete that requirement).
Please log in to your Clearly Clinical account, click on the appropriate course, and 'click through' the streaming audio portion in order to complete that part (it's the first course section). There's no need to listen to the audio again- just click the grey COMPLETE & CONTINUE button at the bottom to progress through the course. It should then register that the course is 100% completed.
I completed the course but didn't get a certificate of completion. What now?
Make sure you've 'clicked through' all portions of the course and it shows that it's 100% completed (if it doesn't, go back and click the COMPLETE & CONTINUE button to progress through each section- see answer above). Once all course components have been completed, your completion certificate will automatically populate in the Certificates section of your account; to access this section of your account, log in, click on your name in the top right, click on My Account, and then click on Certificates.
Clearly Clinical maintains copies of CE certificates for ten years after the completion date. Please email us if you need help with a certificate. To access the your completion certificates in the future, once they've already been generated: Log into your Clearly Clinical account and click on 'My Account' on the left margin. Next, click on the 'Certificates' link on the left side of the page.
I accidentally misspelled my name when I created my account. Now what?
To correct your name, please update it in the My Account section of your Clearly Clinical account. If you have already received a CE certificate of completion with the misspelled name on it, please email us at to have it corrected. Please also refer to the question/answer below relating to formal name and license number changes (not relating to misspelled names).
I'm licensed in multiple states, but the system only allows me to select one state... how do I get all of my license information to show up on the certificate?
Please email us at so that we can manually update your account information and include all of your licenses on one single CE certificate (instead of issuing multiple CE certificates per course).
I took a course on a specific date, but the date on my certificate shows a day later... what's that about? How do I get it fixed?
Our certificate management company is in the BST/GMT timezone, so every once in awhile there's a discrepancy between the date a Clearly Clinical user completes a course and the date listed on the certificate of completion. Please email us at so that we can manually update your certificate and re-issue it if that's happened to you- it's an easy fix. :)
I'm having trouble using your system... things don't seem to be working right for me. What can I do to fix it?
Chrome and Safari browsers work best with our system, and we strongly recommend these browsers over others. Your browser's cache may be interfering in a page showing up correctly, so you may need to 'empty your cache' to clear the stored data. Additionally, if our Course Player isn't showing up correctly for you, please double-check that your browser screen isn't maximized... sometimes a browser screen being maximized interferes in the menus showing up correctly. To fix this on a desktop or laptop, click the two arrows facing away from one another in the upper right of your window. On a mobile, tap the three lines in the upper left corner. And, if all else fails, email us at for further help!
I saved a payment method to my Clearly Clinical account in the past, and want to delete it. How do I do that?
To removed a saved card, please log into your Clearly Clinical account, click My Account on the left margin, and navigate to Billing. From there, your saved card should appear, and you can select the 'Edit' button and then the 'Delete' button to remove that saved payment method from your account. If you're having difficulty, please email us at for further help!
What should I do if my license number(s) or name changed and I forgot to update my account before completing a course, resulting in out-of-date information on my CE certificate(s)?
We understand the challenges of managing licensing details during transitions. While we do not retroactively amend certificates to reflect license numbers or name changes not associated with your account at the time of course completion, boards typically link a licensee’s account with various names and license numbers over time. As a result, your certificates should still be accepted as part of your CE documentation. We recommend contacting your board(s) directly to ensure that they have a record of your name and/or license number changes.