A Nod to Mother Earth

You know how your brain remembers some weird words from childhood? One of mine is ‘watershed’. When I was little, growing up in the abundance of Lake Tahoe, California, we learned early on about watershed… how the ecosystem worked, and what humans were doing to either have a positive or negative impact on it. I remember trekking out in my little hiking boots one morning at school, getting ankle-deep in mud, learning about how the water moved through the Tahoe basin and how it impacted the trees and plants around us. We learned early on about how forest fires allow for regrowth, and how the pinecones hold incredible capabilities when exposed to the extreme heat of a forest fire.

Earth 2020 CEU

Growing up in Tahoe, you can’t escape having a love of nature… it’s simply the backbone of life there. My days were spent exploring the woods, making snow angels in the fresh snow, or swimming in the frigid waters with the sparking sunshine on on my back. Loving the environment is in my blood… the wisdom of nature never ceased to amaze me.

Earth Day always makes me a little sad… another year that’s passed, another year that we’ve put other priorities of sustaining our home. In other ways, I know there’s progress that’s been made… movement toward regrowing reefs and steps in the direction of renewable energy. The world as we’ve know it has come to a screeching halt due to COVID-19, but Earth has continued on, quite happily, in our absence… animals are reappearing, and the air is clearing. I wonder if we’ll learn from all of this, how to take care of Mother Earth, the ultimate mother?

Our little part here at Clearly Clinical involves a number of tiny but deliberate steps: We are 100% virgin paper free… do you know that we don’t even have a printer at our office? We support sustainable businesses, and every board member and staff member is as much a proud tree-hugger as I am. Even down to the compostable cups in our waiting room, we know that the smallest drops all continue to a big ocean of change.

Are you a tree hugger, too? I’m happy to have you here.

What’s your wish for this Earth Day 2020?