Lifting LGBTQIA Voices of Color... A Free CE Course

Hello, my dear colleagues.  As Pride Month draws to a close, we invite you to hear from a few LGBTQIA experts and advocates about the clinical and lived experience of being a multiple minority.   

Dr. Frank Sanchez, PSY, LMFT, Luna Malbroux, MSW, and Jazzmun Nichcala Crayton sat down with me to share their perspectives: What does it mean to them to stand at the intersection of two minority populations... what is that like, and what can we learn?  How do we become more culturally humble, for the betterment not just of ourselves and our clients, but for the world at large?

I am incredibly appreciative of the openness and courage of our panelists... this conversation feels like sitting at a kitchen table with them, listening to them connect with one another and share their views and stories.

In lieu of charging for this CE opportunity, we encourage you to make a donation to one of the organizations mentioned on the course landing page, or to the charity of your choosing. We are making continual donations to the Trevor Project, and thank you for joining us in supporting TQPoC.

May we all take many moments of quiet reflection about what it means to be truly pro-LGBTQIA and anti-racist, from our thoughts to our words, and then take deliberate daily action.

Enroll HERE

To view the full course description, learning objectives, and other policies, please visit the course page.

If you haven't done so already, please enroll in our other free pandemic-related and anti-racism CE courses, available HERE.

As always, take care, my dear colleagues. -Beth